Dr. ‘Debs’ Iden hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. As a lifer in ‘University’ she completed a BSc (Zoology) and MSc (Pharmacology) at the University of Alberta before following her roots to Glasgow for a top-notch education in Scottish culture and Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. She graduated in 2009 and worked as a small animal veterinarian in emergency and general practice in the UK and Vancouver, British Columbia area. In 2022, Dr. Iden relocated to Massachusetts and completed a rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Angell West and Angell Animal Medical Center. Her professional interests include small animal surgery, especially surgical oncology, internal and emergency medicine.
The family zoo includes two former patients, a cuddly Pug-Chihuahua cross called ‘Penny’ and a ridiculously patient and loving black cat named ‘Phil’. ‘Hanna’, the Great Dane cross, was the ‘baby’ of the family until Mabel the Frenchie/Boston was adopted.
Outside of the hospital Debs enjoys walking the dogs, gardening, swimming, and some occasional springboard diving in between chaperoning her daughter’s synchronized swimming competitions.